Saltine Cracker Toffee

Here is a simple sweet treat to take to your next picnic or potluck.  It has 4 ingredients and takes about 15 minutes to put together.  You can’t get much easier than that.  AND, it’s not the normal, everyday dessert that people bring, so you know that when you are taking this to a party, there won’t be 3 other people bringing the same thing.

Saltine Cracker Toffee

My grandmother used to make this when I was younger.  She would top it with chopped nuts, but I usually stay away from that since there are so many people with nut allergies.  You can get creative with the toppings or simply leave it plain with just the chocolate on top.  Add some mini m&m’s, colored sprinkles, chopped nuts, or drizzles of caramel if you’d like.